Our Visual Arts department participates in many renowned competitions throughout the year, such as the Pentel World Drawing Competition, the GNET Star Worldwide Children’s Painting Competition, and the International Children’s Painting Competition. These allow our students the opportunity to demonstrate their creativity and further their knowledge. In 2013 and 2014 we also held the Little Cosmos Annual Art Exhibition at the Hong Kong Cultural Centre. This art exhibition allows our students to show off their hard work and creative talents.
Others Competitions:
. “孩子的天空”「Colourful Mind繪畫比賽」
. 海港青年商會國際兒童繪畫比賽
. 全港兒童繪畫分齡比賽
. 我的海洋王國繪畫比賽
. 梵高博物館繪畫比賽
. “星星河”全國少年兒童美術書法攝影大賽
Regular Participation:
.智叻網「I Love Summer」黏土創作大賽
.部分海外國際賽事 (詳情留意中心通告)
Trinity Graded Examination in Spoken English (GESE)
* The timings include time for the candidate to enter and leave the room and for the examiner to complete the individual exam report form.
Period of Exam
March, June/ July, November & December
Grade 1-3 (5-7 minutes)
Grade 4-6 (10 minutes)
.Topic discussion
Grade 7-9 (15 minutes)
.Candidate-led discussion of topic
.Interactive task
Grade 10-12 (25 minutes)
.Topic presentation
.Topic discussion
. Interactive task
. Listening task
. Conversation
Kiddies Putonghua Certificate in Communiction (KPCC)
Initial, Elementary, Intermediate, Advanced
Failure (49 marks or less)
Pass (50-64 marks)
Good (65-79 marks)
Excellent (80 marks or above)
Poetry Competitions
Little Cosmos both offers children the opportunity to take part in poetry competitions, and also provides tutoring lessons for children independently enrolled in these competitions. Both native English and native Putonghua teachers are available to guide your children through their poetry practice, and will be able to help tailor their advice to the needs of the competition and child. Poetry competitions are useful for children as they allow them to build their confidence, public speaking skills, and practice their pronunciation.