Aged 2-3 (24-36 months)

Medium of Instruction - English
(by native English Speaking Tutor)
Rabbit & Panda Class
Children are naturally fond of stories. Pop-up stories and big books arouse children’s interest in reading, listening and speaking English. This programme helps to stimulate children’s imagination through storytelling while expanding their English vocabulary and knowledge of sentence patterns. Each lesson, children explore new books as their teacher guides them through specially designed activities, games and crafts that help bring the stories to life.
Rabbit Class Details
24-30 months
60 mins/ lesson
Fee per Lesson:
HK$ 400
Max. Class Size:
6 students
Panda Class Details
30-36 months
60 mins/ lesson
Fee per Lesson:
HK$ 400
Max. Class Size:
6 students
* Rabbit - 24 – 30 months
* Panda - 30 – 36 months
- Paid monthly.
- Prepare a wet towel in a box to the class.
* Each child can be accompanied by an adult for the Rabbit Group.
# Each child should be unaccompanied for the Panda Group.
- Discount cannot be used together with other offers.