Letterland 拼音樂
K1- 3 (Level I-III)

教學語言 - 英語
Letterland 拼音樂
Letterland可愛的圖像字母設計不但能提高兒童對拼音的學習及記憶,而且讓學習拼字變得更有趣。Letterland課程全面包含教授44個音位(包括輔音字母、元音字母、混音字母、二合字母、三合字母等)及常用拼字組合及建立生字庫,更透過多元感觀的活動、歌唱、遊戲、卡通動畫、小手工及故事去增強兒童的拼字、閱讀能力及學習的趣味。中心已採用Letterland特別為以英語為第二語言而設的最新Fix-It Phonics的全套教材及電腦互動媒體讓兒童更享受拼音學習及互動的樂趣。
為增加兒童日後學以致用的拼讀能力,中心獨家在Letterland中所學習的字、詞、句子中加入了拼拆拼讀訓練貫穿於整年的課程。現時Fix-It Phonics共分三級,一般情況由K1級別起每級約50堂。
Level I
- Aa-Zz
- Letter Shapes and Sounds
- Initial Letter Sounds
- Short Vowel Sounds
- Long Vowel Sounds
- Story Telling and Reading
- Vocabulary Development
- Basic word decoding and segmentation
- Songs
- Art & Crafts
- Visual Animations with story, sound effect and songs
Level II
- Quick Review of a – z letter sounds
- Beginnings, Middles, Endings
- Consonant Blends
- Digraphs
- Trigraphs
- Long Vowels
- Chants
- High Frequency Words
- Word Building
- Word decoding and segmentation
- Visual Animations with story, sound effect and songs
- Story and Reading
- Songs
- Art & Crafts
Level III
- Blending & Diagraphs Review
- Beginnings, Middles, Endings
- More Advanced Phonemes
- Advanced Spelling Patterns
- Decoding Skills Development
- Fluency
- Irregular Spelling
- Suffixes
- Word Building
- Story and Reading
- Songs
- Art & Crafts
- Visual Animations with story, sound effect and songs
K1 - Level I
K2 - Level #I/II
K3 - Level #I/II/III
學費* (每堂/一小時)
HK$ 350
* 按月繳費(不包括書本費用)
# 一般級別約50堂, K2或K3開始級別I的課程,課期會較短。